It’s the question we’ve all been asking ourselves at one time or another: why won’t my TV connect to my hotspot?

The answer, of course, is never quite as simple as we hope it will be. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll take a look at some of the most common reasons why your TV might not be connecting to your hotspot and offer up some solutions that might help. Plus, I’ll review some of the best tips to help you get connected!

Is it Possible to Connect My TV to My Hotspot?

why won't my tv connect to my hotspot

The first question you might be asking yourself is whether or not it’s actually possible to connect your TV to your hotspot.

The answer is, unfortunately, that it depends.

While there are some TVs that do have the ability to connect to a hotspot, most do not. This is because connecting to a hotspot requires a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, which most TVs do not have.

If your TV does have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, you’ll need to consult your TV’s documentation to find out how to enable the feature and connect to your hotspot.

Once you’ve done that, you should be able to connect just like any other Wi-Fi-enabled device. If your TV doesn’t have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, however, you’ll need to purchase a separate Wi-Fi adapter that is compatible with your TV.

Once you have the adapter, you’ll again need to consult your TV’s documentation to find out how to set it up. If it’s properly configured, you should be able to connect to your hotspot and enjoy all the benefits that come with being connected wirelessly.

Why Won’t My TV Connect to My Hotspot: Answers You’re Looking For

If you’re still having trouble connecting your TV to your hotspot, don’t worry- you’re not alone. In this section, I’ll take a look at some of the most common reasons why your TV might not be connecting and offer up some solutions that might help.

Test Your Hotspot

One of the first things you should do if you’re having trouble connecting your TV to your hotspot is to test your hotspot.

To do this, simply try connecting another device, like your laptop or smartphone, to see if it can connect successfully.

If it can’t, there’s a good chance there’s something wrong with your hotspot and not your TV.

Restart Your Smartphone or Smart TV

If you’re able to connect other devices to your hotspot without any trouble, the next thing you should do is restart your smartphone or smart TV.

This will often fix any minor connection issues that might be causing problems.

Why Won’t My TV Connect to My Hotspot: Update Your Firmware

why won't my lg tv connect to my hotspot

If you’ve tried all of the above and are still having no luck, the next step is to update the firmware on both your hotspot and your TV.

Newer versions of firmware often include fixes for common bugs and issues, so this is always worth a try.

Check Your Hotspot’s Range

Another common reason why your TV might not be connecting to your hotspot is that it’s out of range.

If you’re having trouble connecting, try moving closer to your hotspot and see if that makes a difference.

Remove Other Devices from Your Hotspot

The best way to fix a problem with your smart TV and Wi-Fi hotspot is by disconnecting every other device from the same network.

Having too many devices connected at once can often lead to connection issues, so this is always worth a try.

How Users Solve the Problem on Their TV

why won't my tv connect to my hotspot anymore

Each TV viewer has one or another brand and model of TV. Also, the problem of connecting the TV to your own hotspot may depend on the smartphone model.

Therefore, I have collected some user experience in this article to help you solve problems faster.

John Strickland: My Sharp TV won’t connect to Mobile Hotspot

I checked the DNS settings and sure enough, they were set to Google’s servers. But for some reason, they weren’t working. I tried changing them back to my old settings, but that didn’t help either. I was about ready to give up when I remembered that I could always use a VPN if the DNS settings were giving me trouble.

I connected to my VPN and sure enough, the website loaded immediately. It turned out that there was something wrong with Google’s servers and they weren’t communicating with my router properly. Once I changed to a different VPN provider, everything worked perfectly.

Tyrone Bruce: Samsung TV Won’t Find iPhone Hotspot

I had just settled into my new apartment and was getting everything set up when I realized that I couldn’t get the TV to work. I tried all the usual tricks – turning it off and on, changing the input, checking the cables – but nothing worked. Frustrated, I decided to call tech support.

The technician walked me through a few more things to try, but still nothing worked. Finally, in desperation, he told me to try enabling ‘Maximize Compatibility’ in Settings > Personal Hotspot. I had no idea what that was, but I was willing to try anything at this point.

To my amazement, it worked! The TV suddenly came to life and started showing all of the networks that were available near me. I couldn’t believe it – after hours of frustration, all it took was a simple setting change on my phone. Thanks, tech support!

Benjamin Pearson: iPhone Hotspot Not Working with Apple TV

I was having trouble getting my new Apple TV to work. I had followed all the instructions, but it just wasn’t connecting. I called tech support and they walked me through a few steps, but nothing worked. Finally, they told me to try turning on compatibility mode. I did, and it worked!

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