How long does it take to bike 6 miles? When balancing all factors in the average, we will take about 36 to 45 minutes to bike 6 miles. However, this number can fluctuate up and down based on many factors.
how long to bike 6 miles

6 miles converted to kilometers

According to international convention, one mile is equivalent to 1,609344 km. Therefore, 6 miles would be equivalent to 9.656064km (nearly 10km). It’s a fairly long ride for a bike ride. Your cycling time within 6 miles depends on a lot of factors.

Firstly, it depends on your age, health conditions, and cycling experience. You will surely reach the best condition if you are in a healthy age, meet the health requirements and have a lot of experience in cycling.

Second, it depends on external conditions such as the condition and type of the bike, road conditions, and weather.

For example, if you are a beginner and there is a slight incline all the way, it will take around 36 minutes to an hour depending on how fast you can bike.

We can not tell for sure because we don’t know what kind of shape you are and your actual cycling experience, so you probably can not know how fast you can ride on an incline or even a “flat” road.

How long would it take to ride 6 miles on a bike?

“How long does it take to bike 6 miles” will have the answer when we conducted an interview called with a cyclist. As a regular cyclist, it took her about 6 minutes to cycle a mile, so that would be 36 minutes to cycle 6 miles.

As you are not a regular cyclist and your speed is still slow, you should allow yourself 10 minutes per mile, until you become a regular cyclist.

There’s a lot of guesswork going on here, but on average, your normal speed will be at least 8-10 miles per hour, depending on you, your bike, traffic, and the terrain. Look at 36-45 minutes when you start. Your time will decrease as you become more proficient.

Some other researches

Research carried out on 10,000 people after conducting surveys, measurements… has given average speed for people riding bicycles. It is between 12km / h and 20km / h when cycling on flat roads. This equates to a 6-mile bike ride in between 29 minutes and 48 minutes.

However, there is a slight shift between gender, age and surprisingly, scientists advise the elderly to pedal a little faster. Specifically, the minimum speed for adolescents under 20 years old is 12.5km / h (female) and 13.4km / h (male).

Above that age, the recommended speed is 15km / h. Professor Alex Bigazzi, University of British Columbia (UK), the lead researcher, said: “Interestingly, these speeds are within the limit, as well as the normal speed of cyclists, so it is very easy to do.”

Summary: How Long to Bike 6 Miles?

In short, with average speed and health, normal people need between 36 and 45 minutes, and a cyclist needs between 29 and 48 minutes for a six-mile cycle.

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