Smart Home 3D is a popular home design software that you can use to create your dream home. It comes with its own Furniture library which makes it easy for anyone to add furniture into their designs without having to do all the work of modelling every piece of furniture from scratch. In this article, we will talk about how to create smart home 3d furniture and answer some frequently asked questions on the subject!

How to Create Smart Home 3D Furniture

how to create smart home 3d furniture
We assume that you already know how to use Sweet Home and have some experience with it. Let’s get started!

Step One – How to Add Furniture Library in Sweet Home?

There are two ways how you can add new furniture library. By default, there is only one empty furnitur e group called “Furniture” that you have to rename and then move into the first level of the tree view.

The second way is by adding a piece of geometry on an existing category (i.e chair) with no children under it which will automatically create a new category for this geometry type underneath the parent item. We do not recommend doing so because if you delete some other object inside another libaray, your newly created library will be gone too without any warning or error message displayed within Sweet Home itself…

Step Two – How to Add a New Furniture Model?

To add new furniture library with models inside it, you have either create a .zip or .rar archive with all the files needed and then open this file in Sweet Home. All geometry used as a model must be included into an archive too (e.g stl, dxf). If there is any texture image for your object,it has to be named accordingly so that it can b e recognized by Sweet Home (texture name = mesh name + “_u” + materials id number).

The easiest way how to do such thing correctly without having problems later on is using MeshMixer software which we will discuss at some other time because of its impressive capabilities. You can download it free of charge from the link below.

Once you have all your files ready, open MeshMixer and import them into a new project file. After importing is done check if everything was imported correctly by right-clicking on some object or group of objects which should highlight this item in pink/purple color with an orange outline. If the mesh is not visible, you have to check “Visualize Hidden Geometry” option in MeshMixer settings.

Right-click on your model and select Export. Choose STL file format, specify filename with all lowercase letters (e.g my_furniture) and click Save button which will start exporting process of your model.

You can also create a .rar or .zip archive with your files instead of creating an individual model in MeshMixer but note that when you open such file, all models inside it will be imported into the project at once without any possibility to choose which one should be placed where on the floor plan and how big is going to be.

Step Three – How to Export Your Model?

Now you are ready to export your model from Sweet Home for further editing using external programs like MeshLab or Netfabb which we will discuss in the next article of this series. Open main menu, go into Export tab and choose STL file format with all lowercase letters (e.g my_furniture.stl) and click Save button to start exporting process of your model.

Remember that all the exported models must be triangulated (not quaded as it is by default in Sweet Home) because some other modeling programs cannot read non-triangulate d meshes correctly which might result into a stupid, ugly looking furniture piece or any other object for that matter!

Step Four – How to Convert Mesh Files Into DAE?

Converting mesh files into DA E format will allow you to edit your geometry using more powerful tools like Blender or Cinema. Open main menu, go into Import tab and choose either FBX file format if you want yo u do everything within one software package (Sweet Home) or import your mesh file into external program like MeshLab and export it to Collada format if you want to edit the geometry using other software.

We hope that after reading this article, at least some questions concerning how to create smart home furniture were answered.

How to do Wood Texture in Smart Home 3D

To create your own furniture library, you have either create a .zip or .rar archive with all the files needed and then open this file in Sweet Home. All geometry used as a model must be included into an archive too (e.g stl, dxf). If there is any texture image for your object,it has to be named accordingly so that it can b e recognized by Sweet Home (texture name = mesh name + “_u” + materials id number).

The easiest way how to do such thing correctly without having problems later on is using MeshMixer software which we will discuss at some other time because of its impressive capabilities.

Once you have all your files ready, open MeshMixer and import them into a new project file. After importing is done check if everything was imported correctly by right-clicking.

How to Create Sweet Home 3D Furniture

Once you have all your files ready, open MeshMixer and import them into a new project file. After importing is done check if everything was imported correctly by right-clicking on some object or group of objects which should highlight this item in pink/purple color with an orange outline. If the mesh is not visible, you have to check “Visualize Hidden Geometry” option in MeshMixer settings. Right-click on your model and select Export. Choose STL file format, specify filename with all lowercase letters (e.g my_furniture) and click Save button which will start exporting process of your model.

You can also create a .rar or .zip archive with your files instead of creating an individual model in MeshMixer but note that when you open such file, all models inside it will be imported into the project at once without any possibility to choose which one should be placed where on the floor plan and how big is going to be. After exporting process is complete, go back to Sweet Home main menu and open Import tab. Select STL file format, specify your mesh filename (e.g my_furniture) and click Open button which will import geometry into the current project as a new furniture item. Furniture library is now ready for use with Sweet Home!

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